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Memorials - Celebrating the memory of those we have lost.

1. The Harlan Community Library welcomes and encourages cash or negotiable contributions for the purpose of purchasing books, materials, equipment, and fixtures as memorials. Donations of personal property, valued at less than $1000, for placement in the library as memorials will be considered by the Library Director on an ad hoc basis.  Donations of personal property, valued at $1000 or greater, for placement in the library as memorials will be considered by the Board of Trustees on an ad hoc basis.

2. While it is the preference of the Board of Trustees to accept a cash or negotiable contribution for a memorial which leaves the selection of materials to be purchased therewith to the sound discretion of the Library Director, the library will accept a conditional cash or negotiable donation as a memorial and subject to the library’s policy regarding the suitability of materials, will honor the donor’s request for its specific use whenever possible.

3. Initially, all cash contributions for memorials will be deposited in the Library Trust account, properly earmarked for intended memorial purposes. Then, when appropriate, these funds will be withdrawn and expended pursuant to the intentions of the donor.

4. All items purchased as memorials will be appropriately identified. Whenever possible, items selected as memorials will be of a long-term interest and utility nature to ensure lasting donor satisfaction in the knowledge that his or her recognized contribution will remain in the collection for many years.  Items that are no longer relevant to the library, may be removed by the Library Director.